Thursday, April 3, 2008

IAA Here I Come

It was your average Thursday morning.

I got to bed last night a little late because the husband brought me home some wine from Oliver Winery in Bloomington. I love, love, love love love, their blackberry. "How late are we staying up?" I asked him over my second glass of wine. "I'd really like another glass."

It's a really good thing they don't sell that in stores, and you can only get it at the winery that's about a three-hour ride away. If they did, I'd likely be heading out to AA meetings.

I heard the husband's alarm go off, and like a good wife, I went back to sleep. Good wife only that my husband and I aren't morning talkers. He likes to get up, have his coffee, watch the news, etc. without any interruptions.

When I get up, I must have coffee before I can carry on a conversation that makes sense to anyone but myself. He doesn't mind that I stay in bed. He jokes that I need all the beauty sleep I can get, anyway.

I heard the kids get up and start moving around. Then this child made his appearance in the bedroom. YouTube - ACAC 3rd place (He's in the blue.)

"My boots are wet," he said, a little less than friendly. I think sometimes he wishes he could wrestle me like this YouTube - Southern wells Wrestling

It wasn't my fault his gosh darn gee golly boots were wet. I didn't wear them. I didn't drive through a puddle on my motorcycle and get them wet. I like my boots to be black, strappy and spikey, anyway. His aren't my sort.

We reached some resolution about the boot dilemma, though I don't know what it was in my morning haze, and they were on their way to school. That was my cue to get up. I was minding my own business, getting ready to go to the store, and working on a blog entry for my Brady blog. The next thing I know, the cable goes out and no more VH-1. Then the internet went down. Never a good thing when it doesn't come right back on.

I waited about a half hour and called the cable company. I was able to save my blog post before it got swallowed by an unconnected Blogger. Sometimes, when the cable goes down, and for whatever reason, the PBS station still comes in. This was the case. Barney was on. Heaven help me. I don't know how I survived those years when the kids were little watching that crap.

I got the lowdown on the situation. Someone cut an optic fibre something or the other, and it loosely translated into "you think the internet is coming back soon? Ha. That's a good one."

I finally had to leave my home because I couldn't listen to music because Rhapsody was down, and I couldn't check my email or otherwise amuse myself while online. I couldn't post my blog. I could do housework or I could go to the grocery. I had to do something before Barney drove me to finding a cliff to drive my car off of.

I stopped at the eye dr. and picked up some trial contacts. They gave me some brown colors to try. At the rate I'm going, I'll get around to trying them by the time I'm 72. Then it was off to the grocery. Needing only milk, I walked out $162 poorer. That'll last about half a week with the way these kids eat.

I came home and still no internet or TV. Around 2ish, Flavor Flav came on the screen, I took a break and watched. Just as he was about to send someone home, the damned cable went out again.

So, naturally, the next problem was the Vonage phone. We ditched the landline, and if the Vonage service is down, it forwards to my cell phone. Well, that'd be just freakin' fine if my cell wasn't a piece of crap. Indestructable, my ass. After those two kids have gotten done with my phone, one hinge barely dangles and it randomly turns off on its own. Like when I'm trying to call the cable company to inquire about the internet. Ack.

I really threw caution to the wind today and spent a good three hours on writing. Been a while since I did that. But I was getting edgey. I'd watch the cable modem for the telltale sign that it was working again.

It was after 6 p.m. this evening when everything was up and running. That was roughly 7 hours with no email checking, no surfing, no research, no nothing. It wasn't that I necessarily needed to be online. It was the fact that I couldn't be.

Mr. Merry Sunshine wasn't in a much better mood when he got home from school. His boots were still wet. Shame on me for not using my drying powers while he was gone. He finally shushed and went outside when I asked him if he was on his period.

The oldest child apparently ran his gas tank in his truck down to fumes and wasn't sure he was going to be able to make it to work. The kicker there was that I was unsure how much money he had in his checking account, and because the internet was down, I couldn't log in or transfer some money for him.

When the youngest asked me, "Could you look up something on the internet for me?" I nearly snapped. Uh, no, I couldn't.

It might not only need AA, but IAA...Internet Addicts Anonymous. I'm so pathetic.

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